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Practical transformations to change the work culture .

Much more than lectures and reports

Own methodology and implementation with “hands on”
looking for quick and measurable results

Futuro do trabalho

do it yourself
Temple team allocation
Strategic consulting

We are not a static company, but a web that involves consultants, startups and other companies in dynamic collaborations for impactful results.

In this way, in each project we articulate the consultants and organizations that are most aligned with the purpose and, therefore, best suited to generate the best results, wherever they are.

The network also enables exchanges with consultants from all over the world, allowing contact with the most recent and modern frameworks and methodologies.

transformation journeys

We are not a static company, but a web that involves consultants, startups and other companies in dynamic collaborations for impactful results.

In this way, in each project we articulate the consultants and organizations that are most aligned with the purpose and, therefore, best suited to generate the best results, wherever they are.

The network also enables exchanges with consultants from all over the world, allowing contact with the most recent and modern frameworks and methodologies.

Innovation outsourcing

We are not a static company, but a web that involves consultants, startups and other companies in dynamic collaborations for impactful results.

In this way, in each project we articulate the consultants and organizations that are most aligned with the purpose and, therefore, best suited to generate the best results, wherever they are.

The network also enables exchanges with consultants from all over the world, allowing contact with the most recent and modern frameworks and methodologies.


real cases of

See great players we've helped with
process streamlining and preparation
for the future of work.

Inovação aberta

Is your company ready?
for digital transformation

Futuro do trabalho
Inovação aberta
Carro em alta velocidade
Acceleration Program

Estruturação de startups para falar a língua dos grandes players


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Espaço de trabalho compartilhado
Authorial Startups

Startups que criamos do zero e startups parceiras que apoiamos


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Mesa de trabalho
Startup for companies (SEP)

Conexão entre startups e empresas tradicionais com responsabilidade e propósito

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Pessoa analisando gráficos na tela
Investment fund

Fundo de Venture Capital focado em agrotechs, climatechs, healthtechs, foodtechs e fintechs brasileiras

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