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An innovation network to transform your business

Find out how we can help your company navigate challenging times and build sustainable value through innovation.



“The Temple team made a difference in the history of brMalls.”

Planning a dynamic, clear and 360-degree performance management model (all employees are self-assessed) and implementing an internal development plan. The new model allows employees to better understand the objectives and developments of the process, as well as envision opportunities for professional and personal development.



“The Temple team made a difference in the history of brMalls.”

Planning a dynamic, clear and 360-degree performance management model (all employees are self-assessed) and implementing an internal development plan. The new model allows employees to better understand the objectives and developments of the process, as well as envision opportunities for professional and personal development.

Dedicado no trabalho


“The Temple team made a difference in the history of brMalls.”

Planning a dynamic, clear and 360-degree performance management model (all employees are self-assessed) and implementing an internal development plan. The new model allows employees to better understand the objectives and developments of the process, as well as envision opportunities for professional and personal development.

To impact your organization

Carro em alta velocidade
Acceleration Program

Estruturação de startups para falar a língua dos grandes players


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Espaço de trabalho compartilhado
Authorial Startups

Startups que criamos do zero e startups parceiras que apoiamos


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Mesa de trabalho
Startup for companies (SEP)

Conexão entre startups e empresas tradicionais com responsabilidade e propósito

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Pessoa analisando gráficos na tela
Investment fund

Fundo de Venture Capital focado em agrotechs, climatechs, healthtechs, foodtechs e fintechs brasileiras

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